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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blood donation services

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
All praises are due to ALLAH alone an peace and blessings be upon our beloved prophet sallallahualihiwasallam

Our blood donation service was started in 2010 with a group of 5 to 6 friends who had a sole intention for helping the people. Alhamdulillah within 2 to 3 months we became almost 80 members who regularly donate blood to people in different parts of the Hyderabad city and this possible only by the blessings of almighty ALLAH alone, without His help it was never possible. Till date we are doing this service Alhamdulillah .

I request all of you to pray for us and make this service available to all the people inshaALLAH. Therefore I pray ALLAH to keep us steadfast in doing this work and forgive our sins ameen.


  1. Mashallah by allahs grace only. Pls forward 2 all and hope everyone needs the help once in his life tme
